Posts by SkinVision

how melanoma forms

How melanoma forms

Melanoma is the rarest but deadliest form of skin cancer. Just why it is so deadly is revealed in the way that it forms. It is important to know how melanoma forms so you can provide yourself regularly from self-checks.

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What melanoma moles look like

What melanoma moles look like

Melanoma is the most dangerous (and potentially deadly) form of skin cancer. That’s why it is so important to detect the early signs. When found early, there are treatment options in most cases. So what melanoma moles look like? Let’s take a closer look.

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Skin cancer check Perth

If you live in Perth, you might be well aware of the skin cancer risk. Australia, together with new Zealand, has the highest percentage of skin cancer cases in the world. The amount of sun that Perth sees throughout the year is causing a high risk. In the summer, a long streak of extreme UV exposure can be seen. This all means that a skin cancer check for anyone living in Perth is a smart idea to perform regularly.

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Skin cancer in dark skin — here’s what you need to know

For many with dark skin, melanoma or skin cancer may seem like a far-off possibility, something that only happens to light-skinned people.  The reality is that skin cancer can occur in any skin type, and while it is less common for people with dark(er) skin, it is often deadlier as it is usually detected in the later stages. Read on for a look at the stats and what you should know about skin cancer in darker skin.

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White spots on the skin from sun exposure: are they dangerous?

After a long summer spent outside in the sun, you may notice new white spots on your skin. What do these spots mean? Are they dangerous? Should I be concerned? Most of the time, these white spots on the skin are a sign of sun damage. Skin cells that have been overexposed to UV rays from the sun will often stop producing melanin, creating areas of depigmentation, or white spots.

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Busting three common skin care myths

While awareness of skin cancer and the risks of UV exposure is increasing worldwide, there are still many widespread myths around skin care and sun exposure that won’t seem to go away. With conflicting information online, it can sometimes be difficult to tease out what’s true from what’s false — that’s why we are addressing three of the most common skin care myths below.

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Vacancy: Backend Developer

SkinVision offers a unique and scientifically-proven technology that empowers individuals to assess their skin for signs of skin cancer. SkinVision is an established business with many customers and large stakeholders like regulatory bodies, insurance companies, corporations and dermatology groups and associations. These stakeholders expect the highest quality and reliability of SkinVision in terms of technology operations and accuracy of the service, given the high responsibility of these groups.

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Protecting minors from skin cancer – this is what you can do

Sadly the skin cancer rates have been steadily climbing all over the world for the past few decades now. Together with you, SkinVision has a mission to help bring these rates down and save a lot of people in the process. One of the most important things when it comes to the skin cancer problem, is awareness. The lack of awareness that is. Because if we all know how big this threat is and how we can avoid getting skin cancer, together we can fight it. This involves minors as well. When we are young we might not realize that we can already decrease the risk of getting skin cancer during our live time.

This means that we have to raise awareness for kids and at the same time take precautions for minors / teens to make sure they are not at risk. But how can you do this?

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Skin cancer clinic Sydney

As an Australian, you know that skin cancer is part of everyday life. That, unfortunately, is the reality. With the amount (and strength) of UV radiation from the sun, Australians see high skin cancer rates all over the country. So what can you do and what are your options in Sydney specifically?

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