Oily skincare tips: prevent and take care

Most of us will experience oily skin at some point whether it is related to the hormonal changes of puberty or menopause or just because our skin is generally more oily than normal. Oily skin can lead to spots and acne at worst and can cause your makeup to slip and for you to have a shiny forehead or chin at best. So how can you take care of oily skin? We have some tips.

It is impossible to stop the production of oil from your skin as it is entirely natural, but it is possible to create a skincare routine for oily skin that will help to combat and stay on top of the issue and prevent the inevitable spots that come along with it.

5 Essential Steps to Healthy Skin

Keep your skin clean to prevent oily skin

It is recommended that you wash your skin at least twice every day. Morning and night are the most obvious times, but if your skin is feeling especially dirty or oily, you can wash it at other times too. Use a facial cleanser that is designed for oily skin – most of these contain benzoyl peroxide which is used to treat acne in its mild form. This may dry your skin too much in which case revert to a milder cleanser.

Avoid oily skin products to keep oily skin at bay

If you use cosmetics it is important to avoid those that contain oil as this will only make the problem worse. Try to find water-based options or oil-free products. In particular heavy foundations and creams may block your pores leading to additional breakouts on your already sensitive skin. When it comes to moisturizer, you may find you rarely need to use it. If you do, only use it on those parts of your skin that really need it.

Be sun aware to prevent oily skin

Going out in the sun can have good and bad effects on oily skin. The sunlight will help to dry the skin and may reduce the inflammation associated with spots. However, too much sunlight is bad for our skin and can cause skin cancers. So if you are lying out in the sun use a sunscreen that is formulated to be non-greasy. You may need to choose to stay in the shade if sun creams cause your oily skin to get worse as they are thicker than the average moisturizers. Gels do tend to work better for people with oily skin.

Talk to your doctor about oily skin

If all else fails and you are still suffering from oily skin you can have a chat with your doctor. This is especially the case if you are getting spots and acne. Your doctor may be able to diagnose a hormonal issue that is causing the problem or they can prescribe lotions that work harder on your skin. Dermatologists will also be able to advise on the best skincare routine for your skin type.

Sticking to a good skincare routine and avoiding clogging your skin with additional creams will be the best approach to your oily skincare. But don’t forget that help is available if the issue is becoming a problem for you.

Oily Skin Type: how to treat and what are the symptoms

Want to keep tabs on your skin health? Use the SkinVision app to do an instant check on skin spots.

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